Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sofia at 21/2...

I realize I forgot to take pictures of Sofia last month and am considering switching to take the "monthly" picture every three or four months instead.....but it is fun to document all the changes. However, now that Sofia is 21/2, I felt we really needed to document Sofia's growth, changes, and interests. It seems she grows up so fast and ends up saying thing that completely shocks us - in a good way! For instance, the other day CK came home and said something about the counter, to which Sofia pointed out that it was the island, not the counter and that the counter was the rest of the kitchen. Where she gets this is beyond me!!

So, I took the following pictures of her and also weighed and measured her! She's just under 32 lbs (fully clothed) and is 371/2 inches tall! I can't believe how tall she is now! Everything is "Sofie do it" and she tries to dress herself, get in and out of the car seat (this takes forever), read all stories, etc etc. It's really endearing but she sometimes gets frustrated at her lack of ability to do some things (like dress herself). The one thing she doesn't seem interested in at all is using the potty.....however, I don't suggest it as much as I should either. It always seems like I'm in the middle of things.....but I've vowed I've bought our last box of diapers! We'll see.

She loves figuring everything out and will spend 15 minutes working a measuring tape or working the space heater controls (her new favorite). She also loves to help out and uses the step stool to be able to look over the countertop.

Playing with the monkeys

Our little mouse!

Sofia and her FAVORITE boots -the cow boots. She wears them everywhere!

Green Beup Beup and the monkey

Giving an unsolicited kiss to Green Beup Beup!

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