Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Day After Thanksgiving

The day after Thanksgiving, Connie, Lila, Cynthia, Sofia, Chandler and I went shopping! We started mid-morning so we weren't those crazy people in line at 5am! We first went to Target and tried to assemble a stroller for Chandler in the parking lot, only to find at the last step that something was defective with the wheels..... Then we went to Mimi's Cafe for lunch before visiting Kohl's, and then heading home.

That evening the men built a huge bonfire and we had a hot dog roast followed by S'mores! Yum! It was in the high-30s outside, so the bon fire felt great and it was fun to sit around it and catch up.

Yum, donuts! The booster chair Sofia is sitting on was CK's when he was her age! I love that it's still being used!

Drinking some of Mommy's coffee -yum!

Sofia with her new purse from Grandma and Grandpa! I had to take this picture of Sofia sharing with Chandler since sharing doesn't necessarily come naturally to our little girl. So, here she is sharing without us convincing her of the need to do it - hopefully this continues!

Sofia showing Papa what's in her new purse!

With Chandler at Target!

Hanging out while we try to build the stroller

The bonfire. That was the only picture I took since I was too busy eating S'mores.....

Sofia feeding Chandler his bottle

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