Monday, December 14, 2009

Sofia (almost) visits Santa Claus

After her haircut, visit to the Christmas tree lot, and lunch with Papa, we headed over to the Colleyville Library Saturday afternoon for their Christmas Event. It was such a fun event that included Santa visits, cookie decorating, face painting, balloon animals, Frosty the Snowman, caroling and lots of treats! Since it was right around Sofia's nap time, we decided to get the photo with Santa out of the way. Earlier I'd talked up Santa and told Sofia she needed to tell Santa what she wants for Christmas. She was very adamant that she wants a school bus, and when pressed further she expanded to say that she wants "everything else."

We stood in line briefly before our chance at the big guy.....immediately upon trying to set Sofia on Santa's lap she started crying uncontrollably and crying for "Mommy." After several suggestions by Santa and Mrs. Claus to hold Sofia while sitting on Santa's lap, Sofia hadn't calmed down at all, so we decided against pursing it further. Maybe next year.

We then went to the cookie decorating table, which was a lot of fun! Papa did most of the icing while Sofia put on the final touches. As we were leaving the cookie decorating table, Sofia ran right into Frosty the Snowman and I was fearful there would be another round of crying. However, to our complete shock, Sofia was mesmerized! She couldn't get enough of Frosty! It was adorable!

After the visit to Frosty we had some hot chocolate and cookies before watching the carolers and heading home for a much needed nap!

At lunch Sofia and her Papa play with the twist ties.

Cookie decorating

Putting on the final touches

The finished product

The first bite (the cookie without the frosting was actually very tasty)

Frosty - look at the look on her face!

Playing with Frosty's buttons

1 comment: said...

Joy, CK and Sofia
what a beautiful family! :)
we wish you all a wonderful holiday!
please send us an email when you have time - we are in the US for 3 weeks and would love to talk.

Sue James and Maya