Sunday, April 4, 2010


On our last evening staying with Lila and Paul, we decided to go for a canoe ride in Paul and Lila's pond. It was a beautiful night and Sofia literally couldn't wait to get in the boat while CK pushed it into the water and headed over to the dock to pick us up. We carefully climbed into the boat and CK started rowing us along. Sofia loved it! She immediately put her hand into the water and let it glide just under the water. There was a lot of pollen on top of the water, but she didn't mind. At one point her hand snagged a small piece of algae and she took her hand out of the water and gave it a good shake to get the algae off. It started to get dark, so CK headed back to the dock and we climbed out, under Sofia's protest. She kept saying "I want to float." I think she wanted to stay out there all night!

CK in the boat and Sofia on the dock, ready to get in

Setting off

Sticking her hand into the water the first time

Checking out the pollen on her hand


Mommy and Sofia

Touching the water on the other side of the canoe

Touching the pollen

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