Tuesday, June 30, 2009


During Mimi's visit we picked our four ripe tomatoes and made a caprese salad! I must confess that I didn't think our homegrown tomatoes tasted any different than those we pick up in the store, but maybe my expectations were too high.

Our first tomatoes! Yum!

Looking at the other ripe tomatoes (we have two different containers of tomatoes)

Are there any more to pick??

Flashback to Sofia checking on the progress of our tomatoes a few weeks before...

Trying the ripe tomatoes


1 comment:

julie fulton said...

Joy, Sofia ia sooooo adorable! I hope that you dont mind that I just added your Blog to my "Blogs that I Follow" list. I love your Blog, the kids had so much fun checking out their cute cousin Sofia You take such great pictures.