Monday, June 15, 2009

Lavender Lover

This is one of those stories that Sofia will hate to hear when she's older.... Aunt and Uncle have a beautiful lavender plant growing in front of their casita that was nearly blooming while we were there. Sofia loved brushing her hand across the top of the lavender head's and then smelling that lovely scent. However, one evening she took the sniffing a bit too far when she got one of the flower buds stuck up her nose! Of course, I was convinced we had to call 'someone' or go to a doctor, and CK simply went outside and told Sofia to blow her nose - which she did, but she first took a deep breath in to blow her nose. This caused the flower bud to disappear.....until just prior to dinner when a large sneeze dislodged the offender!

Brushing the lavender...

...and smelling! Ahhhh!

Smelling the lavender

This is actually when it happened!

Sofia's nose and the offender

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