Sunday, June 28, 2009


Sofia's Mimi visited for a few days, while CK was off on a work trip and fishing with some buddies. They had a fabulous time together (and I actually got a few things done!). We mainly hung out around the house, went swimming, and played or read with Sofia. Mimi brought Sofia an adorable outfit (which I forgot to take a photo of, but will) as well as two bunny books. I think Mimi read the books to Sofia approximately 10 times each, and was told "Again, again" as soon as she finished!

Mimi reads Sofia's new book just after arriving

Cozying up!

We steamed artichokes and ate them with butter - something new to Sofia, but she LOVED it!


Cheers! Mimi and Sofia clink glasses of "milkshake" (yogurt with fruit and honey)

Reading and snuggling just before nap time

Watching a very humorous "Pop goes the Weasel" video on YouTube

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