Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sofia's 5th Birthday Party

Today we hosted Sofia's birthday party at our house. We asked her how she wanted to celebrate and she suggested a pool party, which is perfect since it's easy to pull together and I love making all the food, decorating, etc. She also asked for ladybug cupcakes but after some research I decided to make cake pops and made "frog pops" and "ladybug pops." They were really fun and pretty easy. We also asked Sofia who she wanted to invite and she named off many of her Spanish Schoolhouse friends as well as the friends she's known since we moved to the area. It was a bit bittersweet to see her Spanish Schoolhouse friends and know that she likely won't keep in touch with them in the coming year...but today she had a lot of fun with everyone.

Her friends who attended the party included: Andy, Jackson, Niveah, Mattheus (all from Spanish Schoolhouse), Antonio (our neighbor), Cami (from horse camp), Thomas, Isabella, Gigi, Caylee, and Grady (who have all been her friends since we moved to Texas). The party was great fun, although it really was one of the hottest days of the summer so's been incredibly mild so far, although today it was HOT even at 10am when the party started. Sofia and her friends swam and played and enjoyed the morning together. After a bit, we brought out the cake pops and sang "Happy Birthday" to Sofia and then went inside to open presents. Sofia got a LOT of presents and I could hardly keep up with what she got from everyone since I was busy saying goodbye to people while presents were opened. It was a fun day and a great way to celebrate Sofia's 5th year!

Party favors

Sofia's birthday cake pops



Sofia and her friends

Trying to look cool in this heat

Fun in the pool!

Sofia and her friends cooking up a plan (I love this picture)

Getting ready to sing to the birthday girl

Our birthday girl!

The three of us - Olivia was napping...

Olivia enjoyed a cake pop after she woke up and loved it.

Opening presents - horses were a big theme!

Sofia's new art set from Grady - a big hit!

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