Friday, March 9, 2018

Spring Break 2018, Day 1

We headed out a little early for Spring Break this year, leaving Friday morning and having the girls skip school that day. They were equally excited to be missing school as they were to be heading off for a week of fun. We ended up leaving Buddy with Mitzi for the weekend, and then Thelma picked him up on Monday after they returned from their weekend away. We considered taking him to the farm, but it would have been a lot for CK's parents to deal with.

We took off around 10am and had a great tailwind and never even had to stop on our way to CK's folks! We landed just before 3pm and the girls both read and napped during the trip. Olivia read the "Wings of Fire" graphic novel and Sofia was breezing through books 5-7 of "Spirit Animals," a new series we'd just bought for her. The flight seemed to go by quickly and the only down side was that the flight really hurt Olivia's ears when we descended to land. The girls were super excited to see their grandparents and they ended up spending the rest of the day driving the Gator around the farm and playing on the hay roles. They were both excited for the days ahead and what we'd get up to while on Cat Island, but enjoyed spending a little time before with Grandpa and Grandma.

The girls are all set to head to Florida

Olivia and Giraffey reading the Wings of Fire graphic novel

A family picture in the Baron

Sofia got the flavor popsicle she wanted in the mystery pop! Love this picture of her!

Olivia giving Grandpa a ride around the farm

The girls and I took a walk down the runway to stretch our legs and explore the flowers and little animals

The crazy driver in the family! This girl likes to go FAST!

Our more cautious driver. She likes to drive, but loves to ride in the back when Sofia is driving.

She's very concentrated as she drives!

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