Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trick Or Treat!

Once across the street, the kids were just as eager to trick-or-treat and ran from door to door. Stacy, Todd and I tried to stick together but also tried to walk with Olivia and the faster kids. The houses are a bit closer together, although there was still a lot of walking. Many of the houses decorate and a few are really unique. Brandon and Sofia stuck together and Antonio tried to catch up to them while Olivia bumbled along, with me trying to coax her along with candy at times. The older three had a great time, as did Olivia, however, she wasn't so sure about anything remotely scary. One of the first houses we visited had a bowl of candy and when Antonio tried to get candy out of it, a skeleton hand came up from the back and grabbed at the candy too. Antonio loved it, but Olivia just watched for a bit and then turned around and decided that she was absolutely not going to grab for candy! I'm sure Halloween is a bit odd to little ones!

Another house we visited was really decorated well with a table full of "scary stuff" - brains in jars, skeletons, jars of weird stuff, etc. The woman handing out candy stood in front of the table and was dressed in a red cloak with a hood. The others ran up to get candy while Olivia inched along very slowly. Finally she stood a few feet away from the table and just looked. The lady was actually handing out popcorn packets and tried to hand one to Olivia, but she would not get an inch closer to the table to get it! It was very cute.

We ended up walking nearly the entire neighborhood! Around 8pm, Dana and CK showed up in their respective cars and we all loaded up and headed home. My feet were tired, so I'm sure all the kids were tired from all the walking and trick-or-treating. Sofia's pumpkin was completely full of candy and she could hardly carry it since the hand strap is really narrow. Olivia also had a lot of candy, although not as much since she didn't quite hit as many houses as Sofia and Brandon. It was a fun night and it felt terrible to get a car ride home! Once we got the girls home, we split up to put two excited and tired girls to bed! What a fun Halloween!

Off we go!


The scary house!

The scary table

A tired little monkey

More candy


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