Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Pumpkins at the Dallas Arboretum

On Tuesday, Olivia and I went with our friends Traci and her son Dalton to the Dallas Arboretum. I've been wanting to go since the pumpkins arrived, but haven't found the time, so when Traci suggested we go, I jumped at the chance. Olivia and I went last year with the Colleyville Garden Club and it was spectacular. Tuesday was grey and we got a little sprinkled on, but otherwise it was comfortable and not cold or windy. On Monday and Tuesdays, the Arboretum has "Toddler Crafts" that include face painting, various hands-on crafts and a petting zoo. We first went to the petting zoo, where Olivia loved petting the goats, sheep, bunny and chicken. There was also a miniature donkey, but she wasn't interested in it, which surprised me since she loves horses so much. She found a brush and brushed the goats and really loved touching the bunny which was incredibly soft. After, we headed over to the pumpkin village, which was spectacular! It wasn't nearly as crowded as I expected and we split up to take pictures for a bit. Olivia loved playing on the hay maze, but liked walking on top of the mounds of hay rather than walking between them like a maze. I did end up getting a few cute pictures of her with the pumpkins and must take both girls back so Sofia can see it too.

After the pumpkin village, we stopped to grab a bite to eat and then we walked over to the newly-opened Children's Garden. It was incredible and significantly larger than I expected! I know Sofia would love it and want to spend hours there, with many of the educational sections lost on our little ones! We started at the play area, where Dalton and Olivia played on ride-on bugs, in the sand and small house. Olivia also explored the bird's nest and large wood ant! Then we walked around the actual Children's Garden, visiting the maze, waterfall and river, indoor classroom and learning center and then the hands-on energy learning area. It was fantastic! We probably only walked through half of it too, but needed to get back home to welcome our girls home from school. I'd really love to return on a Saturday so Sofia can enjoy it too!

Olivia fell asleep halfway home and even after dropping Traci and Dalton off at their house in Southlake, I was able to transfer her to her crib where she slept for another long hour! It was a much-needed nap after a fun day!

The goat

The super soft bunny


Playing on the hay maze

Olivia inside the pumpkin house

Sweet girl

Our little cowgirl - she loves her shoes and has recently fallen in love with Sofia's former boots, which were given to her by Aunt and Uncle when she was Olivia's age

A close-up

Hanging out with Dalton in the double stroller

Heading to the Children's Garden - she ran and acted like a lion the entire way

Running! (She can run surprisingly well in those cowboy boots!)

Trying to find a squirrel that was just on the path

Exploring the huge nest

Riding the wooden ant

Jumping on the music board in the maze. She loved that she could actually jump and make sounds!

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