Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Olivia at 15 Months

Olivia is 15 months today and is 30 1/2 inches tall (48%) and 24 lbs 11 oz (89%) and seems to be growing up so much every day. She's getting her bottom eye teeth right now and the lower right one just started popping through. She's starting to use words that we can actually recognize too! She's been saying "Mama" or "Mommy" very clearly for a few months, but uses it more regularly now. Her other favorite thing to say is "You see?" and says this all the time when we are outside and an airplane is flying overhead. She can hear them so early and starts looking for the plane immediately. Once she sees it, she'll point and say "you see?" It's very cute. She also says "Sissy" for Sofia, "Papa" for her Papa, and occasionally "Uh-huh" while shaking her head yes. She's good at shaking her head to answer questions and seems to have her "yes" and "no" down pretty well. She loves waving goodbye to people and will often wave to anyone getting into their car while we are out and about. She knows how to blow kisses goodbye too, which our sitter Ms. Megan taught her. She doesn't do it regularly but it's sure cute when she does it. She gives hugs and kisses and usually says "ahhhhh" when she's hugging.

Olivia not only loves looking for airplanes, but her favorite books include "Planes," "I Want to Be a Pilot," and "Big Red Barn." She loves animals and loves attention from dogs of all sizes and petting horses, and any animal she's seen. She's still working on knowing her animal sounds, but she knows cows say "moo," dogs say "ruff ruff" and monkeys say "oooh oooh ahhh." Her favorite thing to do is to walk back and forth over a door threshold or a low curb. She's very steady on her feet and can walk very quickly and even run, but she's still getting comfortable negotiating height changes. When we walk to the mailbox to get our mail, she'll walk off the low point of the curb and climb back up and want to do it over and over.

She also has a mind of her own and knows exactly what she wants to do and lets us know! The days of us just grabbing her and going while she's in the middle of something and her having no opinion are gone. Now she'll fuss, especially when it's time to go back inside after going off the curb for the 50th time. She's good at holding her own with Sofia and as much as she loves playing with her and being entertained by her big sister, if she's not in the mood, she'll let Sofia know.

Olivia still loves her food and generally eats more food than Sofia! She's very adventurous and enjoys just about anything we put in front of her. Ironically she's very recently went from absolutely loving cheese to tossing it from her high chair when it's in front of her. I'm sure she'll get her taste for cheese back at some point.

One of the cutest things she does is at bath time. When the bath water is running, she'll come into the bathroom, put her hands onto the tub and 'help' get her clothes off. She raises her hands so you can pull her shirt off, then raises one foot at a time so her socks and pants can be pulled off. Once her diaper is off, she tries to climb into the bath by herself since she's so excited to get in the water and enjoy her bath. She bathes with Sofia every night and they are silly together. Olivia also plays "peek a boo" at random times and still plays with her feet. She's such a fun girl and I love watching her and Sofia together.

She loves riding her horse

Serious girl

So sweet

Look who is 15 months old!

So many teeth!

Growing up so fast

Looking out the window

Yes, she still loves her thumb...and plays with her tummy while she sucks on it.

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