Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Grandma's Visit

Sofia and Olivia's Grandma visited us for a week, from October 25th through November 1st. She came out to go with us to Convention, which was Thursday through Sunday, and was so helpful hanging out with the girls and pushing Sofia on the swings. She's such a huge help when she visits that it's such a luxury to have her visit. Sofia loves that Grandma gives her a bath, reads stories and puts her to bed every night that she's here, and Olivia really started "talking" with her Grandma. It was fun having her visit over Halloween too, so she could watch Sofia dress up and trick-or-treat. We really had a great visit and the girls loved having her here as much as CK and I did. We can't wait to see her (and Grandpa) again at Thanksgiving!

Grandma and Olivia

Grandma and her ladybugs on Halloween

Halloween hugs

Precious picture together

With Olivia while out trick-or-treating

With Olivia at Gloria's for an early birthday dinner.

Blowing out her birthday candle....with some help from Sofia and Oliver

Enjoying early birthday cake with Oliver and Sofia

A goodbye hug.

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