Sunday, August 14, 2011

Baby Shower

On Saturday August 13th, the ladies from Meeting hosted a fantastic baby shower for me! It was hosted by Jill and Marie and was absolutely spectacular - it felt like it should featured in a magazine, it was so perfect!!! First, the food was all just beautifully displayed, and delicious, and the party flowed so well. We started out with a few games, and had to "baby sit" our individual egg for the entire party. The first game we had to match candy names to what they could apply to in "baby terms" and then we each took turns trying to pin a cloth diaper to a balloon (I was terrible at this!). Also, we did the measurement of my belly with toilet paper (everyone was over my true size, so I must look bigger than I am!).

After the games, we finally got to enjoy the delicious food, including finger sandwiches, fruit salad, lemonade cupcakes, cake balls, and punch! It was wonderful! After, I opened gifts and am certain this little girl will not lack a thing! I received a lot of adorable, one of a kind clothes, decorations for her room (much needed), a handmade scrapbook that is a piece of art, and matching pillowcase dresses for the girls to wear next year. I can't believe how soon this little one will arrive and be enjoying all of these beautiful things! It was such a fun day and it was special to spend the day with such lovely ladies.


The amazing diaper giraffes made by Jill! They are now in the baby's room on display and are SO cute! I don't know how in the world she made them!

The party!

The delicious food (and amazing presentation)!!

Marie, Jill and I

A close up

Our "baby eggs" we had to baby sit throughout the party - they came home with me and are now a favorite of Sofia's.

Opening presents - one of the many adorable outfits!

The matching pillowcase dresses from Jill! Beautiful!!

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