Sunday, November 21, 2010

Isabella's Birthday Party

On November 13th, we helped celebrate Sofia's friend's 3rd birthday! The party was held at Paradise Pond, which is a great indoor play area and it was limited to just the kids and parents of the party, which was great (usually they have up to 150 kids in the play area!). The kids ran around and played for about an hour or so, then we had a group picture - I'm still not sure how all those kids sat still for so long, then we sang to Isabella while she blew out her candle on a cupcake. After, the kids had snacks and a cupcake before we headed home. It was a fun celebration!

All the birthday party kids

Happy Birthday, isabella!

Snack time!

Sofia and Isabella, who are good friends now. Before I knew Thelma, Isabella and Sofia had to be separated at the gym play area, since they would fight so much! Now, they play well together and love hanging out with each other.

The gals from my Mom's group

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