Sunday, November 21, 2010

Green Beup-Beup and his city cousin

Last Thanksgiving we "lost" Green Beup Beup at CK's cousin's Thanksgiving family reunion and I hastily ordered a "replacement" on Ebay just as he was returned to us. Once the "new" Green Beup Beup arrived, we realized that we could probably never really replace the original because they looked so different with Green Beup Beup being very well loved and the new one looking brand new, fluffy and clean. So, we hid the new one and referred to him as Green Beup Beup's city cousin whenever we talked of him. On one of my outings with a girlfriend who has a boy Sofia's age and a little girl, Eden, who is just over one, I discovered a solution to our city cousin dilemma. Eden fell completely in love with Green Beup Beup so I resolved to give Eden the new frog!

We had plans to see Jen and Eden, so I put Green Beup Beup's city cousin in a bag before heading out. Of course, Sofia wanted to see what was in the bag so I finally let her look and it was great to see her reaction! First, she thought it was a bear, then when she removed GB's city cousin, she recognized that he was a frog who looked an awful lot like her big buddy! She immediately grabbed Green Beup Beup and played with, hugged and examined both of them together. It was great to watch. I decided to take a few pictures of GB and his city cousin since it was so cute to see them together. After playing with the new friend for awhile, we put him back in the bag and took him to our friend. Last time I talked to Jen, she said Eden was completely in love with her new lovely and took him to bed with her every night. Maybe he'll be named Green Beup Beup, too!

City Cousin (on left) and Green Beup Beup with Sofia

Kissing her new buddy and Green Beup Beup

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