Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

On Halloween, we drove down to the Park Cities area of Dallas to trick-or-treat with CK's colleague's family. They live in a very ritzy part of town and we all thought it would be fun to trick-or-treat and look at some amazing houses while we walked around. Their son, Wilson, is nearly two and Sofia and he get along well. After pizza and hanging out a little, Sara and I took the kiddos out for some candy while the guys stayed home to "pass out candy" (the world series game may have had something more to do with it though).

Sofia loved it! She would run to the front door, ring the door bell and then say "Trick or Treat" when the owner answered. Once she had candy in her bag, she would linger hoping for more handouts - which, ironically happened more often since all the homes we visited said they hadn't had many visitors. We made it to about ten houses and had fun chatting with all the homeowners and looking at the gorgeous homes along the way. Then we headed home and Sofia helped pass out candy to older kids who visited Sara and Tom's place. It was a fun night and we had a tired little girl on our hands at the end of it.

Sofia and her Papa all set to head downtown

Sofia and her pillow case - CK gave her the option of taking her plastic pumpkin or pillow case and she decided on the pillow case

Sofia and Wilson as we heading out

Their first house


Posing outside one of the houses

More candy

Playing with the ghost - Sofia loved to try and hug him.

Trick-or-Treat, Papa and Tom!

Passing out candy

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