Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hiking Red Rocks

On Wednesday afternoon we joined approximately 60 colleagues of CK's on a bus out to Red Rocks for a 6 mile "easy" hike....which ended up being one of the hardest hikes we've ever done! CK started out with Sofia in the backpack and we switched off throughout the hike (he'd take her on the uphills and I'd have her on the flat and declines). It was pretty scenery and fun to get out and stretch our legs a bit, but by the end we were exhausted! It wasn't the best hike for Sofia either since she only got about a 45-minute nap on the bus and wanted to "get down and walk" which was impossible given the terrain and the fact that she started saying this over and over about three miles into the hike! Luckily we had a bag of gummy bears that literally saved the day (and our sanity). Ironically we ended up missing six of CK's colleagues and only thought four were missing - oops! We did locate everyone though before heading back to Denver.

Napping on Papa during the bus ride out to Red Rocks. Julie, the coordinator of the hike, handed out these colorful bandanas to everyone.

Starting out


Red Rocks Amphitheater is in the middle of the top two rocks

The first mile - Papa is talking business with someone walking behind him, Sofia looks on

Some of CK's colleagues ahead on the trail

Mommy and Sofia

All three of us - not quite halfway through

At the top of the ridge on the last half - it was also very windy up there!

The rocky terrain made it difficult to walk down too, especially with Sofia on your back!

Dinosaur bones in the rock - this was at the very end of the hike (and not as interesting as we expected, but Sofia loved running around at that point!)

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