Saturday, September 5, 2009

Goodbye Crib, Hello Big Girl Bed!

So today was the big day! We switched out Sofia's crib for the big girl bed! We actually planned on doing it last night, but didn't get around to it. We picked this weekend to do the big switch so cousin Chandler, who is visiting with (Aunt) Cynthia and (Uncle) Jay, could sleep in the crib during their weekend visit. So, this morning we decided to do the switch which took a bit longer than expected! We found that the crib had to be completely disassembled in order to get out of Sofia's room and then reassembled upstairs in the guest room for Chandler in time for his morning nap. We then set about assembling the big girl bed. So, approximately two hours after starting out on our little "change up" we were done!

She immediately jumped on it as soon as CK set her on it and she's very excited about her new 'big girl bed!' She took a solid 21/2 hour nap this afternoon and went into the new bed just as she did the crib except she wanted to sleep on her back with her head on the pillow, and she always slept on her belly, sucking her thumb and rubbing her belly button in the crib. But, she went right off to sleep. She also drifted right to sleep for CK, as usual, after her bedtime routine! So far, so good!

A part of me is sad to think that she's growing up so fast and wonder if that cute tummy sleeping with her knees up so she can rub her belly button are in her past forever. Now she's a big girl with pillows and a regular bed and it just seems to be going by too quickly. I guess this is just the first of those milestones that are simultaneously exciting and a little sad......I guess you could say I'm over thinking it a bit!

Disassembling the crib....

Helping Papa put together the new bed - it looks like she's reading the instruction while he works, but trust me, she wasn't!

The first official bed hop!

Testing out how comfortable the new bed feels

Testing it out with Green Beup Beup

Sofia's beautiful new big girl bed!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Oh, she looks so cute in that bed! Congratulations on the easy move thus far. Now, on to the next challenge -- potty training! Ugh!