Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Heading to Denver

On Sunday we flew to Denver for CK's OTS Conference. We had a quick lunch before we loaded up into the Baron (yes, we had a TON of stuff with us as usual). The flight went well and was fairly uneventful really. Sofia played with Green Beup Beup, looked out the window, read stories, and took a nap. At one point I put my headset on her and she LOVED being able to listen to her own voice, so she broke into song and CK had to isolate us so he could hear himself think! Otherwise, it was an uneventful trip really!

And she discovers ketchup! Sofia had her first taste of ketchup before we drove to the Baron and she now likes it with pretty much anything!

Getting ready to go!

Climbing into the Baron to start our trip. She LOVES the Baron and couldn't wait to climb in!

With my headset, just before she broke into song.

Giving Green Beup Beup a hug

Playing hide-and-seek with Green Beup-Beup!

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