Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksmas - Opening Gifts

Following our Thanksgiving meal, we opened presents since we won't all be together at Christmas time. It was a fun evening and actually felt as if Christmas was over the next day! Sofia was very into all of her gifts and actually enjoyed them much more than the wrapping paper and ribbon (unlike last year). Oh, and the gifts she got! She got a bunch of great books (including two great pilot books and the Bear Stays up for Christmas). She got a doll that coos and cries, a little tea set, two aprons (one that matches mine) for future cookie making, a pony and purse, pink boots, and lots of great clothes! She had a very good time!

Gathered in the casita's living room and ready to open presents!

Pink Boots!

Aunt Shirl and Aunt Kathy display their beautiful handmade aprons

Grandma and Sofia enjoy their first tea party

Aunt Cathy helps Sofia into her new pink boots

Uncle Steve is focused on his Christmas present

Sofia and I with our matching Mom-made aprons - ready to start baking!

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