Saturday, November 15, 2008

Family Photo!

Today we had our family photo shoot. Ironically it's the coldest day since we've moved here and was a beautiful 72 yesterday and is due to be in the 70s tomorrow, while today it is just under 60 and WINDY! We met at the Grapevine Botanical Gardens and nearly froze before returning to our house to try some additional shots in front of our fireplace. Also, our littlest model wasn't that happy to sit patiently (with a happy face) for more than a few seconds. But, we're hoping they turned out well!

Getting ready for the big shoot! I took some funny bath pictures just before this, but don't think they are blog-ready... CK clowns around while giving Sofia a bath, which is really cute.

Almost ready

Sofia in her pretty dress

Mommy and Sofia

Brrrrr! Wearing our new winter coat (which we thought we would start using next week when we visit DC)

The photographer took better pictures than this, but this is the basic idea (Sofia is focused on the Florida football game that CK just turned on)

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