Friday, January 25, 2019

Our Cat Lover

Yesterday after school I took Sofia to visit the Casual Cat Cafe in Hurst. One of my friends posted on Facebook that she took her daughters and after I told Sofia about it, she was adamant that we go. The Casual Cat Cafe is actually a great idea. It is a cafe that offers coffee and snacks and for a small fee you can sit in a room with a bunch of cats that can be rescued. Most of them are strays and it's a great way to get a sense of a cat for adoption, if one was looking to adopt. The girls have begged to adopt a cat, but CK has explained that he is "allergic" to them. He's actually allergic to the idea of having a cat in our house. So, visiting the Casual Cat Cafe seemed like the perfect compromise. Olivia was over at Hannah's house for a playdate, so it was just Sofia and me. We arrived and I got a coffee and hung out at the table while Sofia played with all the cats. There were 15 cats in total and they all had their names on their name tags, so Sofia soon knew all of their names in a matter of minutes. One of the kitties, Sugar, was drawn to me and kept wanting my attention. She was a really sweet long-haired cat and I started rubbing her chin and soon she was purring. I called Sofia over and she felt a cat purr for the first time! She was totally amazed! I told her about our cat, Kitty, who purred so loud that you could hear her from across the room. We could feel Sugar purring but couldn't hear her.

Since it was a Thursday afternoon, we were the only ones at the Cafe except for one lady who said she visits the kitties nearly every day. Sofia pet all the cats and also played with them with the cat toys. We ended up staying until feeding time. The fifteen cats were so excited to get their dinner. She had a great time and didn't want to leave, or rather wanted to visit the Casual Cat Cafe every week. I do love her enthusiasm, although I don't see myself visiting weekly. The cats are all pretty cool, but I left feeling like I had enough cat hair on me to build our very own cat! Sofia is desperate to take Olivia with her next time and can't wait to show her all the cats and tell her their names. So, it looks like we will be visiting again at some point.

The cats are ready for us to come inside

Petting her first cat, who actually wanted Sofia to rub her belly

Sofia and I had a great laugh over this poster

Cuddling with the kitties

Playing with the cat toys

Feeding time! Fifteen cats were so happy to get their dinner.

I loe this t-shirt! So cute!

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