Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Trick Or Treat!!

Halloween is here and the day started off cold and chilly and turned to rain by the early afternoon! I was really hopeful that the rainy weather would stay away, but it didn't and it rained hard for hours! Over breakfast, I asked them if they wanted to trick-or-treat even if it's raining and Sofia said "Yes! I'm going no matter what the weather is!" Olivia agreed, but it made me wonder what her resolve would be if it is raining during the evening.

After the girls got home from school, they played for a bit and Sofia did her homework before they both changed into their dragon costumes. The girls were super excited to be dressed up and they love to pretend they are dragons already, so the costumes were really fun for them. They ran around and made up dragon stories together until Marco, Stacy and the boys came over at 6pm. I'd made chili the day before and reheated it and Stacy brought cornbread. Aunt Shirl gave me the chili recipe a few years ago after she'd made it in Santa Fe for Thanksmas. It was so delicious and perfect on a cold, wet night. It was still raining, although it had slowed down a lot and we were all hopeful that it would stop. We enjoyed dinner and the kids played for a bit before it was time to go out and trick-or-treat!! We looked outside and the rain had stopped! The kids got their candy pails and we headed out the door. Sofia, Olivia, Antonio and Luca immediately ran to Brandon's house to see if he wanted to join us for our trick-or-treat adventure. Unfortunately, he'd been sick for a few days and was upstairs in bed. Sofia was really bummed, since she loves running around with him and they can trick-or-treat for hours together (or would like to). The four kids collected candy from Todd and Dana and then we headed off to Ms. Anne's house. She was dressed up like a witch and gave each of the kids their very own ziplock FULL of candy and treats! It was so sweet! We stopped by Mark's house, where a bucket of candy was outside and then we were off to Mitzi's house. We connected up with the Pollits and their kids and visited with Young and her kids briefly. By the time we'd visited Mitzi, the kid's pails were nearly full, so we stopped by our house and dropped off their goodies before going across the street to Warwick Parc.

Marco and CK drove Luca and Olivia across the street, while Stacy, Antonio, Sofia and I walked across the street to Warwick Parc to continue our trick-or-treat adventure. The rain had stopped, but the weather felt heavy and ready to drop rain at any minute. It was in the low-50s and chilly but felt pretty nice out. We've trick-or-treated in the hot weather before and it is miserable. The girls were actually hot and they both took off their gloves to cool off. We were so thankful that the rain had stopped and for the first ten houses we didn't see anyone else on the street trick-or-treating! We've trick-or-treated in this neighborhood for years and it is usually overrun with kids. Most of the houses were eager to pass out candy and the kids had a ball running from front door to front door. After about 30 minutes, we finally ran into a group of kids and families from CES. We stuck together for a few houses and then continued on while they went the opposite direction. After nearly halfway through the neighborhood, Olivia announced that she was ready to go home. She said she wanted to visit a few more houses and then would be ready to go. So, after about five more houses, she went with Luca, Marco and CK to head home. Of course, Sofia and Antonio were more than ready to continue trick-or-treating.

We made it through the entire neighborhood and the kids collected so much candy. We visited a few houses that were really decorated and into Halloween. One house had a smoke machine and a high school student standing in the shadows in a Freddy mask. Thankfully, Stacy and I arrived at that house while Antonio and Sofia were still at the last house. I found the Freddy mask completely unnerving and wanted to keep going. The boy did scary Sofia who also found it unsettling, although she hasn't ever seen any of those movies. Antonio wasn't scared at all. Several of the homes had people who were dressed up and their entryways were really decorated. Antonio could have continued another hour, but Sofia was finished. She said she was really tired and her knees were bothering her from all the walking, so we headed back to our neighborhood. It was just after 8pm, so it was a perfect time to get home and to bed.

Sofia and I returned to our house and found Papa and Olivia sitting in the living room with open candy wrappers on the coffee table. They obviously enjoyed their early return home! The girls picked out a piece of candy they wanted in their lunch tomorrow. Of course, Sofia had enjoyed several pieces while we walked in the neighborhood. The girls got ready for bed after a really fun, and thankfully dry, night of trick-or-treating!

Chili! The perfect night for it!

Chili and cornbread before heading out.

Our first trick-or-treat house of the night! Todd and Dana's house.

The trick-or-treat crew!

Love this picture! Antonio, Olivia and Sofia running toward Anne's house.

Ms. Anne's house!

At Mark's house.

Picking out candy from Mitzi.

Mitzi and the girls!

Sweet Sofia!

Trick-or-treating from Spiderman!

This house really got into the Halloween spirit! Antonio wasn't scared!

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