Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Halloween Costumes!

Halloween is nearly here and I wanted to be sure to get good photos of the girls in their costumes as dragons before the big trick-or-treating day! I love Halloween and enjoy brain storming ideas of what the girls will be for the big day, which we normally start doing weeks beforehand. I also enjoy making some or most of their costume, so it can be unique. This year, I was a little stunned when I asked 3 weeks ago what they wanted to be for Halloween and they said "I don't know" and didn't seem to care about it either! I think they are growing up!

Finally, I kept asking and they agreed that they wanted to be dragons (big surprise)! So, I searched out options online and found dragon capes at Target and some pretty cool dragon masks from an online Halloween store. The girls agreed that they wanted to be green dragons, so I ordered the capes and black boots from Target and the green dragon masks from the Halloween store. The girls both had long-sleeved black shirts and black leggings, which they wore under the capes.

The only thing I made for their costume is their dragon "claws" which were super easy. I bought black cotton gloves and then glued yellow felt "dragon nails" on each finger using hot glue. They really turned out cute and were really easy to make. I planned on adding elastic loops to the capes for their arms so they could use the capes more easily, but never got around to it. Plus, the capes really looked great without the elastic loops.

After school today, I had the girls change into their costumes and pose for a few photos individually and together. They didn't really want to get into their costumes, but once they were changed they were super excited and loved pretending to be dragons. Of course, Sofia always loves to pretend to be a dragon, whether she's wearing a costume or not. The girls were great at posing as dragons, since they have had a lot of practice over the years. I got some great pictures of them and was super excited to have some fun photos before Halloween. After about 15 minutes of posing, both girls were hot since it was 80 degrees out! So, the photo shoot was pretty short and both girls took off their shoes, socks and gloves to cool off. I told them that they would not be hot tomorrow while trick-or-treating when it would be in the mid-50s and possibly raining. Hope the rain stops and we have a great time trick-or-treating together tomorrow night!


Sofia and Olivia - two cute dragons!

Sofia, who is more than happy to be a dragon!

Sofia and me after our photo shoot. Olivia loves taking photos with my camera.

Olivia wanted to take more photos of me, so I tried to do a scary face!

Sofia and Olivia with their gloves and masks off!

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