Friday, March 4, 2016

Sofia as Ruth Wakefield

Yesterday evening Sofia dressed up and presented herself as Ruth Wakefield, the inventor of the chocolate chip cookies at the CES Wax Museum and Open House. Every year the 3rd graders get to pick an inventor that they can dress up as and use props to teach about what the inventor created. Sofia chose Ruth Wakefield and we planned on dressing her up and having a small cookie sheet of fake cookies for her to hold. I didn't have any luck finding fake chocolate chip cookies, so decided to make a few instead. Sofia wore her red dress that she loves to wear and which was mine until I put it in the dryer and it shrunk too much. On top of her dress, I put the silk apron my Mom made for me a few years ago. We added a black broach to her dress and my fake glasses and put her hair up into a bun. To finish off her look, we put on red lipstick and gave her a small rolling pin for her pocket. She wanted to put flour all over her dress and apron but we decided it just looked dirty instead of how it should look. After she was ready, we took a few photos of Sofia as Ruth Wakefield and then headed to school. Sofia was so excited to go and get started!

There were so many creative 3rd grade costumes for inventors and there were also several Ruth Wakefields, and they had real chocolate chip cookies to pass out to those who stopped. Once we arrived, Sofia set out her props and held her sign with two large dots - one green and one red. If someone stopped and pressed on the green dot, Sofia would go into her write-up about Ruth Wakefield. She did a great job and loved saying exactly the same thing over and over for anyone, who ended up being Hannah and Olivia as well as many very sweet parents who didn't mind stopping at each 3rd grader. After the hour of the Wax Museum, the kids had an hour of Open House and we moved over to Mrs. Feaster's room where we sat at Sofia's table and she showed us some of her work. She loved explaining all that she's done and is working on. It was very interesting to hear about all that the kids are doing. Meanwhile, Olivia and Hannah played together in a corner of the classroom. It was a really fun to watch Sofia as Ruth Wakefield and learn about what she does at school. Such a fun event!

Meet Ruth Wakefield!

She's ready to roll out some cookies!

One more photo before we head to school

She's so excited to go and get started!

Olivia wanted me to take a photo of her too.

Ruth Wakefield is all set up and ready to tell her story!

What Sofia told everyone who visited:

Sofia's research leading up to her presentation

Her friend, Allen

Her friend, Shivani

Sofia giving her talk to Olivia and Hannah

A very creative Cotton Candy

Telling more classmates her story

Sofia telling her Papa about her school work

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