Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Fun with Grandma and Grandpa

We arrived home on Friday so we could welcome Grandma and Grandpa the next day. They actually arrived on Thursday and stayed two nights with Scott, Brenda and Oliver. Since we were home Friday night, we were also able to make it to Olivia's soccer game on Saturday morning. We focused on doing our laundry and getting the house ready for after the game, when Grandma and Grandpa would be joining us for 11 days. On Saturday morning, CK took Sofia over to the soccer field to start her warm-up and game since the girls' games started at the same time and Sofia has a 30 minute warm-up while Olivia has a 15 minute warm-up. Just as Olivia and I were getting ready to go, there was a knock at the door and there stood Grandma, Grandpa, Scott, Brenda and Oliver! We headed over to the fields and Olivia started to warm-up. It was a particularly cold and windy day and we nearly froze! Thankfully, Marco and Stacy were just leaving the fields after Antonio's game and gave us their much-needed sweatshirts. It helped a lot! Unfortunately, the apposing team didn't show up so Olivia's game was cancelled. We walked over to Sofia's field to watch her and the Pink Pirates play. After the game, we all went to Chef Blythe's for lunch which was really good. Sofia and Olivia were only focused on sitting next to Grandma, so they each picked a side and enjoyed their meal with her. They were both so happy to have her here!

CK and Connie followed us home after lunch on Saturday and got comfortable upstairs in the guest room and new playroom. We finally sold our pool table a few weeks before they arrived and I've been trying to move all the girls' toys and things upstairs so they can have a dedicated area to play and pull out puzzles, games, toys, etc. There still isn't an overhead light, but I have one from Ikea that just needs to be hung and there are so many wall sconces in that room that it isn't overly dark. On Sunday, we all drove to Meeting and then went to La Hacienda Ranch with Scott, Brenda and Oliver.

Over the next few days it was great to have Grandpa and Grandma there so hang out with the girls and to watch over them while I ran errands, visited the grocery store, and played tennis. It was such a help to have some help while I got everything ready for Cindy and family arrive on Thursday night. The girls adore their grandparents and Olivia really loves spending as much time as possible with her Grandma.

Olivia and her Purlicious team mates and Coach Ryan on a cold and blustery morning

Girls having fun at La Hacienda Ranch

With Grandma at the park

Sofia, our little bunny, is ready for school!

Someone LOVES having their Grandma and Grandpa around!

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