Thursday, March 10, 2016

Olivia's New Hair Cut

On Tuesday evening, CK as the HOA President held an HOA meeting in our living room with about six of our neighbors. The girls were really quiet and spent the 1.5 hours of the meeting upstairs watching Star Wars Clone Wars and playing together. Around 8:30 (about 30 minutes past their usual bedtime), they came downstairs and I asked them both to get into their pjs, brush their teeth and get ready for bed. Sofia headed back upstairs and Olivia went to her room. She came back out about 15 minutes later and after a few minutes I noticed something a little different. Olivia's hair on both sides was considerably shorter and not even! I gasped and asked what happened and she responded with "I cut my hair" with a huge smile on her face. She was so proud of her handiwork! I asked her why on earth she decided to cut her own hair and she said "I don't know." The sections on either side of her head were just below her ears, so not super short. CK asked her what she did with the hair she cut and she said she threw it away in her bathroom trash. We went into her bathroom and couldn't believe the amount of hair piled into her trash! I know it's fairly common for kids to cut their own hair, but I am surprised Olivia did it and would love to understand where she got the idea! Crazy girl! One thing for sure is that she was very proud of herself! I took a few photos and she smiled in each one!

Yesterday morning, I texted my hair stylist to see if she could squeeze Olivia into her schedule that day, since I knew the hair stylist at Pigtails and Crewcuts would likely not do a great job at giving Olivia a new style. They are decent at cutting a straight line on the girls, but I'm not confident they are experienced enough to give a really good styled hair cut. As I waited to hear back from Judith, I got Olivia ready for school and noticed a section of missing hair at the back of her head that was very short! Luckily the chunks missing were under the top layer of her hair, so we never noticed it before and it should be easy to cover over.

Luckily, Judith got Olivia in at 1pm so I pulled her out of school and took her to get a new hair cut! We arrived a few minutes early, so I pulled up "short girls hair cuts" on my phone to show Olivia and she picked out one that Judith agreed would work perfectly on her! She put Olivia on a booster, sprayed her hair with water and started cutting! WOW! She cut off a lot of hair! Olivia sat perfectly still and was completely focused on watching Judith's work. She held her head as she was asked and was great while Judith cut away. There were piles of long hair on the ground, although I also kept a chunk of it for her baby book. Once Judith finished, she round brushed and blew her hair dry and Olivia looked like a different girl! Her short hair makes her look a lot older than she is but it really suits her. She absolutely loves her new hair cut and loves to show it off. She's so proud of it and keeps touching it to "be sure" it's still short and cute.

That night I used the hair dryer and round brush after she got out of the shower and couldn't believe how hard it is to round brush someone else's hair! It really is quick and easy and looks adorable on her! This morning, I went upstairs after Sofia woke up for school and happened to say "I'm so glad you never cut your own hair" more to myself than anything, to which Sofia responded with "It just proves I'm more well behaved than she is." Ha!

Olivia and her scissor work (love the look on her face)

The pile of hair in her bathroom trash can

Her crazy hair pulled back into a ponytail

The back of her pony tail

Judith getting ready to cut!

The short sections in the back....


Love this! Judith originally told Olivia the clip needs to go on her nose and she giggled and giggled!

Making sure it's even

It's so short!!

Blow drying

Judith and Olivia with her adorable hair cut!

So cute!!

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