Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Sofia FINALLY Loses Her Front Tooth!

Yesterday Sofia finally lost her other front top tooth! It's been barely hanging on for at least two weeks and in the past few days it actually would poke out of her lips when she smiled! She came home on Wednesday last week saying that she turned it completely around at lunchtime, but still wouldn't try to pull it out. We aren't sure how it's stayed in. She knows it won't hurt to pull it out at this point and she told CK that she realized that the greater amount of time between lost teeth seems to bring her better goodies from the tooth fairy! Very clever girl!

Yesterday, she and Olivia were horsing around on the couch when Olivia pushed her or bumped her and her tooth came out. Sofia is actually on day FIVE of staying home with a fever, but no other symptoms. I called her pediatrician on Friday and was told that there is a virus going around that only has a fever (100-101) as a symptom and not to worry about it. By yesterday she was feeling and acting great but it hadn't been 24 hours since her fever dropped to normal. So, I let her stay home one final day before sending her to school today. Of course, this meant a lot of reading, playing and even a dip in the pool with her pjs on! We have had crazy amounts of rain this past few weeks and yesterday was no exception. So, of course both girls rain around in the afternoon with their pjs on and got soaking wet before deciding to swim. Our pool is not yet warm enough for me to dip a toe into it, but they don't seem to mind.

This morning Sofia discovered the tooth fairy visited and gave her a glittery $2 bill, a tooth fairy necklace, a small bottle of hot pink pixie dust and a sweet note congratulating her on losing her top front tooth. Sofia told me how each color of pixie dust is for a different use and the hot pink color is to help those who can't fly. She sure knows her pixie dust and their uses. It's hard to believe she's missing her top front teeth, but she really does look so cute without them!

The very loose tooth before

Barely hanging in there

Her new smile! We love it!

Playing in the rain

Who wants to swim in their pjs??

The tooth fairy visited!

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