Thursday, May 21, 2015

Olivia's Last Day at Spanish Schoolhouse

Yesterday was Olivia's last day at Spanish Schoolhouse for the summer and probably for good. As much as we love having her exposed to a Spanish immersion program, she just hasn't never really enjoyed school at all, and it just doesn't seem to be a good fit for her for some reason. Every morning, Olivia's first question to me is "Do I have school today?" and if the answer is "yes," she says "OHHH!" and gets sad or even says she isn't going to go that day. If I say "no" she says "Yeaah!" and is happy. She's never sad or crying when I take her or say goodbye, but just seems like she's shell shocked, won't say "Buenos Dias" or respond at all to any of the teachers.

As we said our final goodbyes to her teachers, the director and front office ladies, I was sad to leave such a great learning center. While we drove home, Olivia asked "When will we see Miss Lynn and Miss Carolina again?" and I told her I didn't really know since she would be going to a new school next year. She started to get upset, which surprised me. So, I told her we could visit whenever we wanted to say "Hola" to our friends. That seemed to satisfy her. Plus, she's been invited to a birthday party for her dance partner and friend in a few weeks, so it will be good to see her friends once again.

Over the past few weeks, I've asked around and got a few good recommendations for schools, but several of their 4-year old programs want the child in class four or five times a week, which I just think is too much time. I have one more year with Olivia before she heads to Kindergarden and once she's in school my time with her will be weekends and afternoons following school which are usually busy and complicated. So, I want to enjoy this final year with her. I looked into a school near us called Noah's Ark and she and I went on a tour. The director, Mrs. Jan reminded me so much of my Aunt Cathy and her philosophy on preschool really impressed me! Noah's Ark has an academic aspect to the teaching in that they focus on their letter sounds, shapes, colors, and basic numbers but she stressed that preschool is really about learning to share, listening to the teacher, learning how to take turns, playing, painting, drawing and learning how to make friends. I couldn't agree more and feel like the majority of preschool programs really push worksheets and "academics" which is crazy (I think) for a 3 or 4 year old who will spend many years in school. I really wish I'd found Noah's Ark sooner and am excited for the school year to begin in the Fall - after a very fun summer, of course!

Going through the doors at Spanish Schoolhouse one final time....

With one of her teachers, Mrs. Carolina

A little post-school nap

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