Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sofia at 6 years old!!

Six! Our sweet girl is six and I can't believe it! I had a hard enough time with five, since that's the age when she started school but now I think I'm in denial because her fifth year flew by and I'm think they all will until she'll be out of the house before we know it!

Sofia is 44 1/2 inches tall and weights 50.4 lbs! She's tall and slender and she wears a size 7/8 already because she prefers dresses and skirts and for her height the size 6s are just too short. Some of the 7/8s are too short too. She still wears a size 13 shoe although I think she's close to making the jump to size 1 and has already in tennis shoes.

Sofia's two loves right now are the pool and dinosaurs! The last two weeks of school she was home sick and so I asked her what she wanted to watch while laying on the couch and she said something with dinosaurs. We don't watch a lot of tv and only allow Sofia to watch something on Thursdays usually, although with summer I've let her relax and watch a show while Olivia naps. I got onto Netflix and found some really good BBC and Discovery documentaries about dinosaurs. The three that she ended up really enjoying are called "Walking with Monsters", "Walking with Beasts", and "Walking with Dinosaurs" and they are all fascinating. Each offers 20 minute segments focused on a particular animal starting 450 million years ago and going through 200 million years ago. Since that day on the couch, she's become very interested in all things dinosaur and has several books that she loves reading about them.

Generally every afternoon before I start dinner, the three of us jump in the pool. If we are lucky, CK is able to make it home a bit early and swims with the girls while I get out and make dinner. Then we get out and eat. Sometimes, Sofia will swim for several hours before getting out and then want to get back in after dinner! She can't get enough of the water!

She's also become quite a good reader and wants to read everything she gets her hands on. She's enjoying the Magic Tree House series and loves to read them in any order, with special focus on a few of them that are her favorites. She has read those several times. Often, she'll run up to her room, grab one of her Magic Tree House books and return to the couch to read in the afternoon, which we both love!

She still loves make believe and making up stories, although now it's with her many plastic dinosaur figures. She still incorporates horses and other animals into her stories, at times, but usually she's just interested in the dinosaurs. She can still spend hours playing on the floor, making up stories and crawling around to move her dinosaurs to their proper locations.

She's a great big sister who is generally kind and loving to Olivia and most mornings this summer have started with a "Hey Olivia, come on!" and they race up to Sofia's room where they both play for an hour or more. Or, she'll sneak into Olivia's room in the morning and crawl into her crib and read her stories and play. Sofia loves to play hide-and-seek with Olivia too and both girls giggle as they run around and hide. Needless to say, Olivia adores Sofia.

With summer, Sofia has stayed up later than usual, close to 9:30 and even 10:00 some nights, which means she will finally sleep in until 9:00 am or later. She loves her sleep even if she fusses as night that she's "all alone" upstairs. She rarely takes naps anymore, although when she does she'll sleep for hours and then not want to go to bed until 11pm! She still sucks her thump, plays with her belly button and sleeps with Green Beup Beup. In fact, Green Beup Beup seems to be a trigger for the thumb, so we know when she wants to bring him with her in the car that she'll want to suck her thumb.

Sofia's food preferences have changed too. Where she once lived off of grilled cheese sandwiches, she now turns her nose up at cheese in general! She's good about trying something new and will generally have an open mind about something she's never tried before. She loves shrimp (especially fried) and salmon and most fish and is finally pretty good about eating chicken. She still doesn't eat hamburgers or steak, although she will eat steak at times. She also will try salad and loves most veggies, especially carrots.

We can't believe how quickly our girl is growing up and are so proud of what a fun, happy, interesting and interested little girl we have.

Our sweet six year old

Such a big girl in her chair

With the balloon elephant she got at Rainforest Cafe

Sweet girl

Our pool-loving girl

Playing with her dinosaur

She's happiest in the water

Our sweet girls!

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