Monday, May 20, 2013

Sofia's End of the Season Soccer Party

Yesterday was Sofia's end of the soccer season party! I can't believe how quickly the season went by and how much fun we had. The party was held in the hibachi area of Tokyo Samarai in Colleyville. The kids sat at one table and the parents (and Olivia and Emily in highchairs) sat at another. The girls had a great time and enjoyed watching the habachi chef work. He was also very funny, so they loved it!

After lunch, Cindy handed out cupcakes that her sister made and were very good. Then, Coach Kevin handed out trophies and metals to each of the girls and Cindy gave each girl a tank top with an embroidered soccer ball and their name on it. Emily gave each of her soccer player friends a necklace which were very cute. Sofia's was a Scrabble "S" with a "peace, love and soccer" symbol on the back. It's very cute. It was a fun end of the year party and so generous of Coach Kevin and Cindy to treat us all to such a delicious meal! We look forward to the Fall season! Go Pink Pirates!

The Pink Pirates having fun at the hibachi grill

Cute girls

Getting ready to eat

The girls and Olivia. She was completely surrounded by cute girls wanting to play with her

Sofia gets her awards

With Coach Kevin (and a lollipop)

The Pink Pirate girls!

After the party with her goods.

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