Saturday, April 27, 2013

Olivia at 20 Months!

Our girl is growing fast and this week I went through her dresser and weeded out nearly all of her 18-month clothes and her cool weather clothes and pulled out Sofia's former 24-month and 2T clothes. It was interesting to go through Olivia's clothes and I kept several of my favorite outfits for keepsakes - probably more than I really needed for her. Going through Sofia's clothes was very emotional in many ways. My Mom made a lot of outfits for Sofia during this age and Sofia wore the heck out of them. I'm excited that Olivia can now wear them and wish Mom were here to know Olivia and see how cute she is in her handmade outfits too. Sofia also wore store-bought (mainly Old Navy) outfits that remind me so much of her at 2 years old. I guess there were a few that I put her in more than others, since some looked completely foreign to me! Olivia is growing into these clothes quickly and is 29.2 lbs and 35 inches! She's really growing tall and hasn't been gaining as much weight as hight.

She still loves playing "Peek a Boo" and covers her eyes whenever we ask "Where's the baby?" She is an absolutely "shoe horse" and must pick out her own shoes everyday. Many mornings she wants to put them on as soon as she wakes up! She usually throws a fit to change out of her pjs and I usually bribe her by telling her that she can pick out her shoes after she's dressed. It usually works and she definitely has her favorites: Sofia's old black mary janes, her pink sandals from Target, and her sister's old pink Crocs. She also likes her brown pediped shoes with pink flowers but they are getting pretty snug at this point. There are several other pair that she inherited from Sofia, but she shows absolutely no interest in them.

Olivia has also discovered the fun of brushing her teeth and loves to brush them pretty much anytime she's in her room. She points to the Thomas Train trainer toothpaste and says "Choo Choo?" which means she wants to brush her teeth with that toothpaste. She'll even try to spit, like big sister does in the morning. Similar to Sofia, she loves books and especially loves all the "First Animal" books. She will flip through them and make the animal sounds as she goes. Her favorite animal noises are for the horse, rooster and frog. Any book with an airplane in it she calls "Papa" and she points out every airplane in the sky with a "Papa?" which is adorable. She definitely has "No!" down but not "Yes" although she can copy Sofia when she says "Yeah" although I don't think she understand exactly what that means. I can ask her "do you want a cookie?" and she'll say "NO!" but she says it a little slower than her usual "NO!" so I know it means "Yes". She's trying to say words but often babbles on like she's having a conversation yet we can't understand a word she says. She does say "Wawa" for "Water" usually (she still squeals and points when she wants water instead of trying to say "wawa"). In the morning, she loves to say "Bye, Papa" and says "Bye" and waves to everyone when we leave. She's outgoing with most everyone although she isn't as outgoing on Sofia was at her age. She says "Choo choo" for train and spots dogs a mile away and shouts "Puppy!" She loves playing with her baby doll, although she still doesn't have a lovey that she must sleep with, although her crib has her baby doll, her "Puppy" (she loves cuddling with him before bed) and a little stuffed pig and teddy bear as well as her owl pillow (for decoration really). She always plays her musical fish tank as she's falling asleep and will often play with her baby doll if she's not really ready to go to sleep. She's also great at turning on her fish tank if she wakes up in the middle of the night, which puts her back to sleep.

One of the big milestone this month is that we can finally put a little chunk of her wispy hair into a pigtail that goes straight up. It's so cute and her hair seems to be growing pretty quickly and is really in her eyes if she doesn't get it pulled off her face. If we use a hair bow she usually pulls it out after a few minutes. She's good about handing it to me once she's pulled it out of her hair, but it doesn't help keep her hair out of her face. Olivia loves kicking a soccer ball around at Sofia's soccer games or practices and is quite good. She has great timing in keeping the ball moving and seems to enjoy it. She's a happy, silly girl, but is also showing that has her own point of view as she approaches 2 years old and can pitch a little girl fit at times when she doesn't get her way. She adores her sister and loves when Sofia plays with her or includes her in her fun, which Sofia is very good at doing. We are so lucky to have such sweet, fun girls.

Our big 20-month old and he doll - she sleeps with this doll and cuddles with it. She loves wrapping her in a blanket during the day and carries her around.

Such a big girl - wearing her absolute favorite shoes!

Not ready to smile just yet.....

A smile!

Olivia playing with Sofia's markers (another favorite thing to play with) with her pigtail!!

Such a sweet girl!

Brushing her teeth!

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