Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sofia's first dentist visit

This morning Sofia visited "Dr. Harold" the pediatric dentist for her very first cleaning and dental visit. We have an appointment scheduled with our family dentist in a few months, but after her tooth chipping incident on Saturday morning (more on this later), we decided to take her sooner than later. CK went quail hunting a few weekends ago with his boss and Dr. Harold, so we gave him a call. The waiting room was completely tricked out for kids - books everywhere, little chairs and tables, toys, leggos, and a mechanical stagecoach! Who can beat that?! She road the stagecoach and the horse just before being called back for the appointment.

First, Ms. Cathy, the hygienist had Sofia lay down in her dental chair and wear sunglasses to block out the light for her mouth. Sofia has been to every one of my dental visits and usually lounges on my chest and watches as our dentist and hygienist work, so I was glad she's had the exposure and sort of knew what to expect. Plus, I talked about what would happen this morning and last night and she seemed excited for it all. So, once in the chair, she was a trooper! She listened to Ms. Cathy's requests, kept her mouth open the whole time and did a great job as her teeth were scraped of tartar, brushed with bubble gum-flavored paste, and given a flouride treatment. After, they took x-rays of her top and bottom front teeth before she met with Dr. Harold for the first time.

Unfortunately, she has a cavity in her back molar, so we will be returning after Easter to get it filled. Apparently, they will give her a sedative about 11/2 hours before they drill.....I'm already nervous at the whole idea. I told Dr. Harold how Sofia and I were horsing around after her shower on Saturday morning when she slipped and fell (likely on a toy she had in her hand) and chipped both of her top front teeth. One is particularly jagged to the touch and other than being sensitive about them for a day or two, Sofia seems completely fine with how they feel now. He said they may discolor, but will likely be fine, although they may be the first to fall out once she's around seven.

Ms. Cathy and Dr. Harold were so impressed with Sofia's behavior that they gave her two tokens to pick out gifts from a gumball-like machine in his office. She picked out two little animal figures and we headed for home and lunch.

Her two chipped teeth....

On the stagecoach

Relaxing as Ms. Cathy works

Removing all the tartar..

Scrubbing with bubble gum-flavored paste

Counting all of her teeth

The flouride rinse


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