Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Our Little Cowgirl

Today Sofia got to wear her cowgirl outfit for the first time! Her school held their Fall Festival in the afternoon so all the students were able to wear their costumes to class. CK's former boss gave Sofia the cowgirl outfit (it's actually a cowboy outfit) as a joke at our going away party in DC and I realized that it finally fits her! Frankly we were a little hesitant to ask her what she wanted to be for Halloween and assume she'd want to be Thomas Train, a frog or possibly Hello Kitty. However, we don't really know since we sort of just told her that she was going to be a cowgirl. Of course, she had no idea why or what this whole "Halloween" thing was, but she soon figured it all out! I guess she doesn't remember last year's trick-or-treating efforts. She woke up a little late, so I got her into her costume as quickly as possible and took a few pictures of her before heading off to school (a few minutes late, as usual).

Our little cowgirl!

A close-up!


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