Thursday, September 23, 2010

Periquito Azul

Today when I picked Sofia up from school, her teacher Ms. Christina told me it was Sofia's weekend to take Periquito Azul home and tell the class about their adventures on Monday. She immediately took to Periquito Azul and pretty much didn't let go of him the entire time - even Green Beup Beup got pushed aside at night so Sofia could sleep with Periquito Azul! Once we got home, Sofia took Periquito Azul everywhere, starting with a Purple Pony ride. He sat at the table with us while we had dinner and she read him stories before bed. On Thursday, we went to the park where Sofia and Periquito Azul went down the slide, played on the swings and climbed the rope structure. Then, we headed into Ft Worth and we introduced Pariquito Azul to Mexican food at Joe T Garcia's. Sofia even practiced her colors and numbers in Spanish with our waiter.

On Friday we dropped Sofia off with CK's cousin and she spent the weekend with Erik (9), Adam (7), and Jessica (5). Apparently, Periquito Azul had a great weekend watching Erik's baseball games, Jessica's soccer game, playing and enjoying the weekend sleepover. Sofia was sad to say goodbye when we gave Periquito Azul back to her teacher on Monday morning.

Periquito Azul

Going for a ride on Purple Pony

Reading bedtime stories

At the park

Posing with Periquito Azul

Periquito Azul with Mommy - Sofia took the picture, then ran around taking pictures of random kids and Moms....

At Joe T Garcia's - yum!

Napping on the drive home

Cheering for Erik during his game with Adam and Jessica

At pizza


At the end of a great weekend, with Adam, Erik and Jessica

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