Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sofia's Bedroom

Since we are on the verge of upgrading Sofia's bedding to a "big girl bed" I thought I should take some pictures of her Texas bedroom, since I haven't done so since we moved in. So here is her room with the crib in it and hopefully we will soon have a big girl bed instead of a crib!

Her crib

The changing table - hopefully this won't be in the room much longer, but we haven't really focused on potty training yet.....

Sofia's new dresser! I found it on Craigslist and had it refinished then added unique knobs - it's adorable and fits perfectly in her room.

Her books and toys - this is the neatest it ever is! Usually there are books scattered all over the floor.

All of her crib friends. She sleeps with all these animals as well as Green Beup-Beup and Striped Green Beup-Beup, who get out of the crib with her in the morning. Sometimes if I forget to get them out with her she'll go looking for them and ask me to get them for her. They are her absolute favorite buddies.

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