Thursday, August 20, 2009

A few of her favorite things.......

I decided to show a few of Sofia's favorite things.... She still absolutely loves her Green Beup Beup, but he has been joined by two other friends - "Stripped Green Beup Beup" and "Melmo." She loves to sleep with all three of her buddies (and they must be covered over with the blanket too) and she also carries them around and plays with them throughout the day. She loves swimming and is great at holding her breath for 10 seconds and kicks pretty well. She still loves to "color" and wants to at least once during the day, as well as play with her chalk outside (there are chalk circles pretty much everywhere, but they do wash off easily). Luckily, she's still a sleeper, so we usually get at least 11 hours at night as well as a 2-3 hour nap every day, which is great! She adores her books, as well as 'new' books we get from the library and wants to read them over and over. When we drive she wants to listen to music, with "Wheels on the Bus," "Sing a Song of Six Pence," "Down by the Station," "Happy Birthday," "If you're Happy and you Know it," and "ABC Song" as her absolute favorites!

She's a pretty decent eater and loves salmon, sushi (including raw tuna), miso soup, pretty much all fruit (although grapes don't really make it down), raisins, she LOVES broccoli, peas, squash, potatoes, eggs, toast, cheese, pizza, peanut butter, hummus and pita chips, and "milk shakes" which are plain yogurt with honey and all sorts of fruit. She's also started eating chicken sometimes - she hasn't been much of a meat eater to date.

Swimming and looking for her underwater toys

She loves watching Thomas Train on the computer and listening to the song "Emily." We also watch clips on animals, especially frogs, owls, dogs/puppies, etc.

Yes, she still loves to suck her thumb and rub her belly button with her other hand, and we are trying to get her to be a little less reliant on such activities.

Her very favorite buddy, Green Beup Beup - he gets to share breakfast with Sofia

Her three buddies - Melmo, Stripped Green Beup Beup, and Green Beup Beup

Playing with chalk after her swim

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So she is literally naked and nobody is fucking her?? Somebody man up and give it to her! She deserves a good dicking