Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Our little parrot...

One of the wonderful aspects of being a parent is to watch Sofia develop and grow up into a little girl. She now parrots everything we say, which can be very funny at times. The other morning we walked out to get the newspaper and I accidentally ran into her. She then said "Boomba" (what she always says when something crashes), which was followed by "Don't do that" and then "Oh, boy." She likes to say "Oh boy" at anything, which is adorable. Also, when you ask what Papa says she says "No cryin" and when you ask what I say, she says "Whatcha doin, honey?" Obviously she hears that a million times a day from me. Tonight after dinner she was playing with my purse (unaware I was watching her) and then picked it up and said "Let's go, honey" and "car." It's adorable! She's such a fun girl and it's amazing to watch her change and grow up!

Her other favorite of the past few days is music! Every time she gets into the car she says "music!" before I start it up and between each song (I guess she doesn't realize there is a pause between songs). She also is trying to sing along, which is pretty amazing since we've only just started listening to "Bingo," "Pop Goes the Weasel," "Hokey Pokey," "Wheels on the Bus," "If You're Happy and You Know It" and other classics. It's so cute to watch her try to sing along! We try to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" to her and at times she'll just start humming and sing, although she still doesn't know all the words. She does get the "Wonder what you are" and then ""

She also is slowly learning her manners and says "thank you" every time she walks through a door. She also knows to say "Bless you" when she or someone else sneezes, even though she still thinks sneezes are hilarious!

Enough rambling, here are some pictures....

Yesterday, we went for a run and on the way back we stopped to visit our 'neighbors' across the street. The steer was fascinated by her and walked right over, even though he then wasn't so sure about her. She was fearless though!

At the duck pond - the top is actually a "dress" that Mimi made about a year ago! It still fits her great, but obviously looks far better with shorts now!

Watching the geese and their babies

Wanting to 'hold' the geese (She says "Hold her, hold her" when she does that with her hands)

At the playground

Feeding the fish and ourselves......

Are there any more snacks in there?!

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