Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Our little gardener

Sofia regularly tends to her zinnias her Grandparents sent her - they started out as seed and are now at least three inches tall and very healthy! Along with the seeds and little clay pot, her Grandparents sent along an adorable duck watering can which she calls "duck water" and wants to play with all the time. Her favorite is to fill 'duck water' from the pool and then water the plants or pour it down herself..... So far all of our plants look healthy enough, so it must not be to hard on them.

Watering her zinnias (we repotted them from their little clay pot)

She's a little unconventional in her watering....

Sofia watering her newly planted zinnias just after planting them

Checking on our tomatoes - this is her favorite thing to do and she also likes to eat on the basil that is growing next to the tomato plant

There it is!

Looking at our tomato crop

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