Monday, July 27, 2015

The Tooth Fairy #6!

Yesterday Sofia lost her 6th tooth (her top right tooth next to the front tooth) while swimming yesterday afternoon with Olivia and CK. They were horsing around and he accidentally knocked it out and she swallowed it! Her tooth had been loose but not even close to coming out, so it must have been the perfect bump to knock it completely out. She was pretty upset by the blood, but mainly because she didn't think the tooth fairy would come visit her since she wouldn't have a tooth to give. Her top two front teeth are still slowly coming in and I'm surprised at how slow they are to arrive, especially given that she's stopped sucking her thumb.

Sofia calmed down when I told her that all she'd need to do is write the tooth fairy a letter and she'd understand why there was no tooth to pick up. Several of Sofia's classmates swallowed their teeth during this past school year and I know the tooth fairy still visited them.

After dinner, Sofia sat down and wrote a note to the tooth fairy and also drew a picture of what she thought the tooth fairy might look like. I really hoped the tooth fairy would write her back and leave something and she did! This morning, when I went to wake Sofia up for her first breakfast as an 8 year old, I saw that the tooth fairy had visited and that is exactly what got Sofia out of her slumber! The tooth fairy left Sofia a sweet note as well as a small container of red pixie dust and a silver dollar! Sofia thought it was a half dollar at first, but was surprised to see it was an actual silver dollar! She was so happy the tooth fairy visited her and left such cool goodies! Sofia read the note from the tooth fairy and was excited that her drawing looks a lot like the actual tooth fairy! The tooth fairy thought maybe Sofia peeks when she is supposed to be sleeping. After reading her tooth fairy note and looking at her fairy dust and silver dollar, we went downstairs to celebrate Sofia's 8th birthday!!

Sofia's note to the tooth fairy

Her drawing of the tooth fairy

The tooth fairy came!!

Sofia reading the tooth fairy's response

The tooth fairy's note to Sofia

Her new smile!

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