Monday, July 6, 2015

Hiking in Santa Fe

On Sunday we decided to go for a hike up in the mountains, which we normally do when we visit at Thanksgiving but haven't done during the summer since before Olivia was born. We met up with Aunt and Uncle and walked to the Plaza Cafe for a delicious breakfast. After, we hung out on the Plaza and the girls danced while listening to a woman pay her violin. They had a ball and the woman loved that they kept dropping money into her violin case. Aunt Shirl and I visited the Indian jewelry vendors, which is always interesting since each of their jewelry or pottery is different and unique. After a while, we headed back and loaded up into our cars and headed toward the mountain.

Aunt and Uncle lead the way to a trail that no one was at and we parked our cars. On the way up the mountain, Sofia started to feel a little queasy so it was the perfect time to stop. Shortly after getting out of the car, she felt fine. We started on our hike, following a narrow trail up the mountain and along a little creek. It was really beautiful with all the flowers and Aspen trees and the weather couldn't have been more perfect for hiking. At one point we had to step on a rock to cross over the creek. Uncle Steve and CK were at the front, so they stopped on the other side to offer a hand to each of us. I was at the very back with Sofia right in front of me. She reached the creek and just walked right through it without a thought to stepping on the rock or keeping her shoes dry. She actually wears Crocs so it doesn't really matter if they get wet, but it was just funny how she walked through the water without hesitation.

The path took us up the mountain and weaved through the trees where we saw tent caterpillars everywhere we looked! They were busy building their "tents" and eating the fresh shoots of the Aspen trees. They were everywhere. Because of the recent rain, there were also a lot of flowers and greenery, which was really pretty. CK, the girls and I followed the trail as far as we could and hung out on a little flat spot that lead up to a very steep part of the mountain. There was no way the trail continued upward. The girls found a large tree that had fallen, so they walked along it and then we headed back down the mountain where we met up with Aunt and Uncle.

After some water, we loaded back up into our cars and headed up the mountain to our "usual" hiking spot that we visit in the winter. Given the beautiful day, the parking area was packed with cars! Usually when we visit in November, there may be a car or two but that's it. We got out and headed out for our hike. Sofia wanted to explore down the mountain to the right, so she and CK headed off that way while the rest of us headed to the left and on our usual dirt road/trail. Olivia walked a short distance and sat down and wanted to "go home." Thankfully, I'd packed snacks so I gave her a bag of pretzels which she ate while sitting in on the trail and was soon energized to start going again. Just as she finished, CK and Sofia joined us.

Sofia and CK soon took the lead and were gone from view while Uncle Steve and I stuck with Olivia and Aunt Shirl was just behind us. Sofia had my cell phone and was busy taking photos of her adventure up the hill, usually taking three photos of everything. She actually did take a few good photos too. There were so many people walking and hiking and lots of dogs. Buddy would be in dog heaven if he were with us. We wanted to walk to the creek, which we'd never been to before and it is just shy of a mile from the parking lot. We passed the spot where we usually end our winter walk and it was so interesting to see it covered in grass and flowers instead of snow! Just as we passed our usual stopping point, Olivia decided she was done walking...which meant I then carried her up the path. So, we continued walking with me carrying her, then her walking, then my Uncle carrying her. Finally, she really wanted to find a white stone, so we told her Aunt Shirl had one. Aunt Shirl had passed us and was up ahead so Olivia tried to catch up. As she did, we pointed out various rocks that were pretty to distract her. It worked and we were soon at the creek.

Sofia already had her shoes off and was wading in the shallow water. Olivia went to join her and soon found that the water was COLD! We cooled off and took a few photos at the creek before putting shoes back on and heading down the path toward the car. Along the way, our little rock collector, Sofia, picked up rocks that she found unique and we soon had my backpack pockets full as well as her shorts pocket. Olivia also collected rocks, which I would generally toss behind us as we walked unless they were really special.

We made it back to our car pretty easily, and it probably helped that it was mainly downhill so there was little request to be carried. We drove back down the mountain toward Santa Fe and had to stop a few times to give Sofia's tummy a chance to catch up with us. It's amazing that she can read for hours while we drive all over town, but any winding road makes her sick. Once we made it into town we went back to Aunt and Uncle's house and had pizza. It was a nice way to end a fun 4th of July weekend and a relaxing night before heading back home in the morning.

The girls and CK ready for the day's adventures!

Walking up to the Plaza Cafe

The girls dancing to the violin music

CK and the girls enjoying Mexican hot chocolates

One of the pictures Sofia took! Love Olivia's smile

The beautiful mountains of Santa Fe!

Ready for our hike!

Off we go!

The little waterfall near the start of the trail

Water is no obstacle for Sofia!

Tent Caterpillars!

The beautiful view as we hiked

The hikers!

CK and the girls "at the top" or as high as we could climb

The girls found a really great free to walk and climb on

Snack break! The pretzels were much needed for this little hiker!

Aunt Shirl! Another photo by Sofia and it really captures Aunt Shirl well!

Another photo by Sofia!

Our group near where we usually turn around in the wintertime.

Such beautiful landscape!

We made it to the creek!!

Aunt and Uncle

Me and Aunt and Uncle

A few of Sofia's rocks

Heading back down the trail toward the car

The girls at the overlook near our car. Such beautiful landscape

Sleepy little hiker....

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