Monday, July 27, 2015

Sofia at 8 Years Old!

Our big girl is 8 years old today and has grown up so much in the past year. She is now 67 pounds and measures 53 inches and generally wears a kid's large or size 10/12 since she's so tall. Thankfully, as much as she's grown and matured, she still has a very active imagination that she uses all the time. She still loves acting like a horse or pegasus (from reading the "Pegasus" series of books) or that she's a dragon (thanks to watching How to Train Your Dragon), or pretends like she's riding on a horse. She's always making up a story and enacting it at home or when we are out and about. She and Olivia also love to pretend to be dinosaurs and play "Firie and Grapie" which is a made-up game they created a few months ago and play pretty regularly.

She also just lost her 6th tooth (her top right tooth next to the front tooth) while swimming yesterday with Olivia and CK and her front two teeth are taking their sweet time coming in. They have been out for nearly 3 months now and her adult teeth are only about halfway in so far. I'm surprised they don't come in more quickly. Tomorrow she gets her expander which will be put on her top teeth to spread out her palate and allow for her adult teeth to have more room and hopefully will significantly cut down on her time in braces. Although she no longer sucks her thumb, she is still attached to Green Beup Beup and sleeps with him every night. She doesn't cuddle with him or seem to take him around during the day at all, but he has to be there at night with her.

She's really loving summer break although she only sleeps until 7:30 or 8am at the latest. She loves just hanging around the house, reading, swimming first thing in the morning and watching a show or two in the afternoon when it's too hot to do anything else. She and Olivia have gone to a Fairy Fun class at Hurst, as well as a Salt Dough class and a Ceramics class. They are all short classes, mainly 45 minutes, but they enjoy them and it's a good change of pace. Sofia keeps saying that she isn't ready to go back to school, but I think when the time comes in another four weeks, she'll be ready to get back to the routine, friends and learning.

She continues devouring books and has loved reading the "Pegasus" series, Guardians of Ga'hoole, Wings of Fire, Harry Potter and other similar books. She generally will finish one that she likes and then immediately start reading it again. At bedtime, she gets ready for bed and then I come upstairs with my book and we have a "reading party" while we both lay on her bed and read our respective books. After I head back downstairs, she will often stay up another hour or two reading, even though I try to get her to promise me to go to bed at a reasonable time.

Sofia has also really started loving playing the piano. She took around 9 months off and then we started with Mr. James, who has been the best instructor for her! She not only has learned a lot in the past four months she's been playing with him, but she sounds really great and loves it! She will often wake up in the morning and go straight to the piano to play, practice and goof around. She also does the same on her way up to bed or throughout the day. James has told us that she really picks each song up very quickly and does a great job, and she loves it, which is great. She's still not interested in learning a particular sport, playing soccer or riding her bike much. She does love her new Razor scooter that she got about a week after school ended for the summer and she can really zip around on it like a pro. If it's not too hot, we will usually sit out front while the girls and some of the neighbor kids ride around on their scooters and have fun. We are mainly out front to keep a close eye on cars and to socialize. She still loves to swim and has spent over 6 hours in the pool or at the splash park on several occasions. She makes up stories and usually has Olivia or others doing whatever it is that she has in her head at the time.

Our girl is growing up so quickly and maturing into a silly, imaginative young lady who really throws her heart into the things she loves. We still can't believe she's 8 years old!

Her first breakfast as an 8 year old!

She hardly fits in her chair anymore!

1 comment:

Steve Finnell said...


Is the Bible the final authority for the many denominations that claim to be followers of Christ? The truth is, most denominations do not use the Bible as their source for the final authority when it comes to faith and practice of the church. The majority of Christ following denominations use church catechisms, church statements of faith and other creed books as their final authority. The Bible is superseded by writings written by church leaders.

One thing that is certain, if denominations are stating different ways of being saved, they all cannot be correct. If you are searching for the absolute truth why would you not use the Bible and the Bible alone.

The only reason churches use catechisms and creed books is to explain away the clear teaching of Scripture that are contrary to their denominational doctrines. If catechisms and creed books are teaching the same thing as the Bible, then why would you need them?

2 Timothy 3:15-17 and from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, fr training in righteousness; 17 so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.(New American Standard Version)

The truth about salvation and living the Christian life comes from Scripture inspired by God.

Church catechisms, creed books, and church board approved statements of faith are not Scripture, they are not the Bible, they not God's inspired word given to all mankind.

If all believers in Christ believed that the Bible and the Bible alone was God's authoritative message to men, there would be no denominations. There would only be the Lord's church. The church of Christ. There is only one body of Christ.


Posted by Steve Finnell at 2:48 AM No comments:
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