Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Visiting the Easter Bunny

Yesterday after Sofia got home from school I took both girls to Northeast Mall to get photos together at JC Penny, which I haven't done in ages. Plus, I figured we could visit the Easter Bunny after. I had the girls' dresses all picked out and planned to have Olivia ready and just slip Sofia's dress on and go. I picked out a cute pink dress for Sofia to wear and the beautiful dress my Mom made for Sofia to wear at Easter when she was 2. It's such an incredible piece of art that I've thought of having it framed. But, now that it still fits Olivia I want her to wear it and have photos of both girls in it!

Despite my great plans, I didn't get Olivia in her crib for her nap until after 1pm, so she was still asleep when Sofia got home. She woke up just as I was getting Sofia dressed but was VERY cranky. She absolutely refused to put on the beautiful Mimi-made Easter dress, despite my best efforts. I decided to call JC Penny and reschedule since I knew that forcing a grumpy kid into a cute dress and getting her to smile is pretty much impossible. Just as I hung up, Olivia noticed the ladybug beads on the dress and wanted to put it on. I got both girls dressed and decided to head to JC Penny just to see if we could take pictures and to see the Easter Bunny.

The photographer who normally takes the pictures of the girls was just leaving (she does a great job) and the young man who has taken photos of the girls once was there. He's very nice but is sort of clueless on how to position the girls. We got started and he was able to capture a few great pictures of the girls together as well as individually. After the girls' photo shoot, we headed over to the Easter Bunny. He happened to head out for a 'break' just as we arrived and that gave me an opportunity to tell Olivia that the Easter Bunny only waves and doesn't talk, but is very nice. She's always been a bit leery of costumed characters, whereas Sofia flocks to them and always has. Finally, the Easter Bunny returned and Sofia ran right over and jumped on his lap, while Olivia kept saying "He's not going to get me....he's nice...." but obviously not convinced since she wouldn't get within four feet of him! Finally, I sat down next to the Easter Bunny and Olivia sat on my lap. It only took 14 photos to get one that turned out without her looking at the Easter Bunny as if he might eat her. Sofia smiled through it all! After, we headed to meet CK for sushi and Olivia loved telling Papa all about meeting the Easter Bunny. She kept saying "He's nice. He didn't get me."

Since our favorite sushi place is right across the street from the Grapevine bluebonnet fields, we walked over and let the girls run around and took just a few photos. We plan to go Saturday to Ennis to drive the scenic roads full of bluebonnets. We didn't want to get bluebonnet overload!

After the photo shoot at JC Penny's

The girls love these little coin-operated rides

Waiting for the Easter Bunny

Olivia with her "Is he going to eat me?" look

Yes! A good photo of us all!

Sofia in the bluebonnets

Running! Sofia's favorite!

Our sweet girls in the bluebonnets

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