Sunday, April 27, 2014

Pink Pirate Portraits

Before yesterday's game started, I took each of the Pink Pirate's soccer portraits and then did a team photo. Cindy had asked me several weeks ago if I would be interested in taking the team's photos which I was more than happy to do! In prior years, she has hired a professional photographer to take each of the girl's photos and a team photo which I've always meant to buy but have never gotten around to it. She felt like it would be easier if I took the photos since I generally take photos at the game each week and send them to each family anyway. It was such a pleasure to do it for the team and it worked well, except it was very bright out! The girls had a hard time smiling with their eyes wide open, but did a great job! Also, Aria forgot that we were doing photos and showed up just as the game started, so I ended up doing the team photo again at the end of the soccer game. I didn't do a very good job organizing the girls into good positions, but they were all sweaty and tired and they cooperated really well!

Sofia wasn't able to wear her soccer jersey because she still can't raise her arm to put on shirts and must wear tank tops. Luckily, she still fits into the cute "S" shirt given to her by Cindy and Kevin from last season, so she fit in well with the team. I felt very flattered to be the "official team photographer" and hope to be able to do it again next season.

Our little soccer player with her broken collarbone

A close up!

It's just SO bright outside!!

The Pink Pirates (except for Aria)

Silly girls!

Love this picture! I got the idea from Pinterest

The entire team!

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