Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Egg Hunt

After lunch, Kiron, Kyle and CK hid all the plastic eggs in the backyard. I stuffed them with jellybeans or chocolates so there couldn't be a lot of time between the guys hiding them and the kids finding them since I was afraid the chocolates would melt. There were six eggs each with a $1 bill in them as well as a few with 50 cents. We gathered all the kids and their Easter baskets and they started off on their search! Sofia and Grady stuck together and ran around the entire yard while the little ones walked and searched for eggs. Olivia had CK carry her basket and as soon as she found an egg, she wanted to stop and open it. Finally, we convinced her to collect the eggs and open them all at once. It was cute to watch her take her time looking for them. Sofia found the lion's share of eggs and we decided next year we'll have to hid them so it isn't so easy for her or she can help hid them instead of searching for them.

After 15 or 20 minutes, all of the eggs had been found (hopefully! We did find a plastic egg from last Easter many months later in our back yard). The kids enjoyed opening their eggs up and eating their candy while the adults dug into the desserts and had coffee. The kids continued to run and around and most played in the pool on the swim step. At one point, Oliver fell in the pool while Kari was helping Amelia go to the bathroom and Marco jumped into the pool to rescue him! It was very dramatic and we were all thankful for Marco's watchful eye! He went home, changed into dry clothes and returned. The kids were so full off of candy and jelly beans, I don't think any of them tried the desserts.

The Easter egg hunt begins!

Olivia opening her egg to find jelly beans. We had to convince her to keep searching.

Luca and Antonio

Our sweet girl and her basket

Olivia and her eggs

Sofia and her bounty. her basket was full of eggs!


Oliver and his find

Sofia assessing her catch

Olivia and their eggs

What's in this one?


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