Monday, May 10, 2010

Hanging out with Mimi

During Mimi's visit, we did a lot of 'hanging out' and had a lot of fun doing just that! One day we took a walk down to the neighborhood pond, another day we made homemade pizzas (including the dough), and another we had a key lime pie bake off to see which recipe was best. So, although it looks as if we did all this stuff on one busy day, we spaced it out and enjoyed a lot of hanging out between.

On our way to the pond - Sofia says "hi" to our neighbor Reggie's lions - she does this every time we head that way

The lion fountain

Petting Chocolate Kitty - we recently were told her name is Boo, but we prefer Chocolate Kitty. She's the friendliest, most understanding cat I've EVER seen and will let Sofia do just about anything. She also follows us down to the pond like a dog.

At the pond

Making homemade pizza - Mimi and Papa took over and made some delicious pies! Yum!

The key lime pie bake off!

Taste testing! Sofia preferred the more tart of the two

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