Friday, July 17, 2009

Water Park!

It seems like I haven't had any 'blog worthy' material to work with since a few of the things we do I can't really take pictures easily. Sofia and I go to Emler Swim School every Wednesday morning and she's become quite the little seal. From the first class four weeks ago, she goes under water, holds her breath, and does some pretty serious kicking! She now holds her breath for up to 7 seconds and CK and I practice a lot in the pool at home. She'll 'swim' from one of us to the other, get into our arms, then say "again, again" to go back! She kicks a lot but doesn't really move much, so we need to help her out a lot, but she is fearless! She LOVES going down our slide and jumps into the pool without hesitation when we're in it. We bought her a swim vest which she loves! Her favorite being that she can twist around in the water while singing "The Wheels on the Bus...." On Thursdays we go to a tumbling class which is great fun, but it too is a 'Mommy and me' so I can't exactly take pictures! We just started yesterday and Sofia loves it! She's pretty good at the balance beam (it's only a few inches off the mat) and enjoys her forward rolls. It's so cute to watch her and help her do the moves.

So, after her nap yesterday, we went to the Hurst Water Park which is designed for little ones. It was awesome! They have a play structure with water as well as several pools and a few easy slides. Sofia loved going from the play structure to the large graduated pool, where she could walk until she could swim around. It was great. I only took a few pictures since I was on my own and didn't want to bring my camera where it could get wet.

Heading out to the play structure

Taking it all in - getting a good look at the water park!

Our little swimmer


After nearly two hours of playing.....arranging her own towel to cover her feet.

Covering the rest of her

One exhausted girl taking in the scene

Yes, she slept VERY well last night.....

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