Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sofia at Two!

WOW, I just can't believe our baby is 2! It's gone by so fast and we marvel at the significant changes from even six month ago! We can hardly even remember what those first few days were like. She has really gotten into the "Sofi do it" mode, and tries to put on/take off her own shoes and clothes and open/close everything. She also likes to read stories to us rather than have them be read, with her favorite being "Hush Little Baby" which has different words than the lullaby, but which is very sweet. She loves the song "Wheels on the Bus" and when we aren't listening to it 1,000 times in the car, she sings it. She particularly likes to wear her swim vest and spin around in the water while singing it. The best part is she makes up all sorts of things depending on what we are doing or what she's playing with - I often hear "Purple pony on the bus....." etc, Also just in the days since her birthday she has really taken to imaginative play! She found my yoga ball and pushes it around saying it's her puppy, feeds it, it gets sad and happy, has a sore tummy, etc. She also loves to talk with the ball/puppy. It's adorable. She also loves to draw, which is a new find for her. She will grab all of her drawing supplies off the side table, sit down and draw away. She's talking up a storm and seems to learn how to say more and more in the span of a few days. We now say "Ohhh Laaa Laaaa" when she's doing something fun or special, like rubbing body lotion on her legs (yes, you can imagine she's not too thorough with that before she wants more lotion!). She still loves trains, Green Beup-Beup, has a new Striped Green Beup-Beup, and enjoys reading books most of all, although drawing is getting right up there!

She is exactly 30 lbs and is 34.5 inches tall.

Our big girl


Such a cutie.

Hugging her owl pillow that we found at Target.

Sofia and the owl pillow.

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