Saturday, July 25, 2009

Our budding artist

Sofia has always played with the crayons and kiddy menu whenever we go out to eat, but has seldom really shown any interest in using the crayons for their intended purpose. She'd much rather roll them around and watch Papa draw Green Beup-Beup, tic-tac-toe, or any of a number of animals. Last Sunday we went to Uncle Julio's and she really took to the crayons this time! A few days later I broke out the art supplies I bought a few months back and she's been using them all the time - and usually stays on the paper instead of the table or floor (so far!). It's great to watch her work and she sings or talks her way through the colors she's using.

At Uncle Julio's - Sofia's first real interest in drawing.

A few days later - breaking out the crayons for the first time!


Ahh, this needs a little more red!

Drawing outside the lines - literally!

Using the pen is just as much fun as the crayons

The look of a concentrated artist!

Drawing is tiring work, time for a water break!

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